
I have been hand-crafting artisanal soap for over 25 years. As an avid artist, healer, and homesteader, I have always been interested in what is nourishing to the mind, body and spirit. Sacred Waters Soap is my way of embodying those ideals and sharing them with you.

Growing up in the wilds of the midwest, nature was my classroom. I was always playing with bits of plants, sticks and flowers. The technical skill set of crafting soaps and body care products came later, often through the discovery of unexpected mentors. I studied herbalism with Julie James in California, and mysticism with Clarissa Pinkola Estes in Colorado. I learned how to heal and care for both body and mind at the same time through the intentional blending of scent and ritual.

In my own life, I find water to be a calming reset button. A shower or bathtub space is in a warm, watery space, like a womb. You can go into that space and do powerful reworking, reparenting, and all kinds of healing. Smell is a very primal sense and we can use natural scents therapeutically to rewire our automatic responses to external events in ways of our choosing. When my own children were little, the bathtub was always my default reset button for them, too. A bath can reset our brain chemicals and return us a more neutral state. And it’s the same for me, a treat I give myself at home. Ritual bathing is a chance to be quiet and to nurture yourself without outside stimulation.

I created Sacred Waters soaps and ritual kits to bring you ease and respite from the pressures and concerns of daily life. It’s rare that we can get out of our heads and have a tactile way to bring our wishes and desires down into our bodies. Once we do that, we are more fully incorporated people. We’ve connected head and heart, and we are aligned in a powerful way to whatever we are trying to accomplish in our lives. Sacred Waters products serve as a focus point for this magical process.